People suffer burns from a variety of sources. Examples include a car wreck, a defective product, or a workplace accident. No matter the cause, a serious burn can be very hard to recover from, and you may bear physical impairments and complications for the rest of your life. New York residents who are seeking compensation for their injuries or know someone who has suffered serious burns should be aware of the various medical treatments a burn may require.

The Mayo Clinic explains that some burns cause problems with breathing. Burns suffered on the neck or face can cause the throat to close up due to swelling. Doctors may deal with this problem by inserting a tube through the windpipe to maintain oxygen flow to the lungs. Some burn patients also require a feeding tube if the burn impacts their ability to eat or drink.

Deep burns can ravage an area of the skin, creating scar tissue. To replace scar tissues, doctors employ skin grafts. Healthy skin from one part of the body of the patient is removed and surgically implanted on the burned portion of the skin. Plastic surgery may also be used to help improve the look of the burned area. Doctors also use plastic surgery to clear away scarring that might affect the ability of a person to move joints.

Doctors will also be concerned about infections. Since burns break the skin, a burn victim is vulnerable to infections such as bacteria that may enter the body through the burn wound. A doctor may suggest that a tetanus shot is in order. If a burn victim does develop an infection, the doctor may treat the patient with antibiotics. Some patients require antibiotics administered intravenously.

The most important thing is to preserve your life after an infliction of a serious burn. You can then work out your treatment and recovery plan with your doctor. This information is strictly for educational purposes and is not medical or legal advice.